Which are the best high-yield perpetual bonds in India?

Investing in high-yield perpetual bonds is a great way to increase your returns, but with so many options available on the market, it can take time to know where to start. This article will discuss the best high-yield perpetual bonds in India and why they may be worth considering as an investment option. Read on to find out more! Introduction to perpetual bonds Perpetual bonds are a type of debt instrument that does not have a maturity date. That means the bondholder will continue to receive interest payments from the issuer indefinitely as long as the company remains in business. Perpetual bonds are also known as "perpetual" or "perps." They are often issued by utility companies and organizations that need to raise capital but want to avoid incurring the cost of regularly giving new debt instruments. The interest rate on perpetual bonds is usually lower than the coupon rate on similar-maturity fixed-rate bonds. That's because investors are compensated for lack...